Legal Risk and Compliance Management
At Sterling Law Alliance, we think strategically about the multiple categories of risk and compliance issues affecting or likely to affect our clients and render advice based on practical experience and understanding of the client’s business. We encourage our clients to begin every transaction with us at the fore, considering the increasingly complex compliance and risk challenges faced by companies, institutions and government departments.
Our team analyzes and monitors our clients’ business activities, environment and needs, advising the clients on best practices to imbibe in doing business taking into consideration the laws, policies, regulations, public and government expectations affecting or likely to affect our client’s business or related transactions.
Our firm undertakes the following:
I. Risk assessments, reviews, evaluation and audits;
II. Compliance reviews;
III. Development of compliance manuals;
IV. Development and testing of compliance policies and procedures;
V. Risk management training and seminars;
VI. Transactional and institutional due diligence reviews;
VII. Internal investigations; and
VIII. Defence of companies and individuals in externally driven investigations and enforcement actions.